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Multiple subPaths for 1 volume

It is possible to mount multiple subPaths from the same volume to a container. This can be achieved by specifying subPath with a list instead of a string.


    type: configMap
    name: my-configMap
      main: # (1)!
        main: # (2)!
          - path: /data/config.yaml
            readOnly: false
            subPath: config.yaml
          - path: /data/secondConfigFile.yaml
            readOnly: false
            subPath: secondConfigFile.yaml
        second-container: # (3)!
          - path: /appdata/config
            readOnly: true
      second-controller: # (4)!
        main: # (5)!
          - path: /data/config.yaml
            readOnly: false
            subPath: config.yaml
  1. the controller with the "main" identifier
  2. the container with the "main" identifier
  3. the container with the "second-container" identifier
  4. the controller with the "second-controller" identifier
  5. the container with the "main" identifier